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rk farm lands

RK Farm Lands Properties and Projects The single largest provider of red sandal farming has generated 10,000 acres of the megaproject, and it is one and only one company which successfully completed 6 ventures in 850 acres of space Investment on Red sandal plants is a good return for future generations, Less investment …. more income, Once invested for 10 generations of investment. 25 cents: 6 lakhs (90 plants) 10 tons 1/2 acre: 12 lakhs (225 plants) 20 tonnes 1 acre: 24 lakhs (450 plants) 40 tonnes.

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rk farm lan ds

RK Farm Lands Properties and Projects The single largest provider of red sandal farming has generated 10,000 acres of the megaproject, and it is one and only one company which successfully completed 6 ventures in 850 acres of space Investment on Red sandal plants is a good return for future generations, Less investment …. more income, Once invested for 10 generations of investment. 25 cents: 6 lakhs (90 plants) 10 tons 1/2 acre: 12 lakhs (225 plants) 20 tonnes 1 acre: 24 lakhs (450 plants) 40 tonnes.

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