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PubMed Indexed Dermatology Journals | Clinical Research in Dermatology

Open Access Journal of dermatology is an international Open Access Publication dealing with the skin, its diseases and their treatments. PubMed indexing is available for selected articles.

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International Journal of Nanoscience | Nanotechnology Open Access Journals

International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is a platform for researchers to share their latest research articles in the world wide. PubMed Indexing is available for selected Articles.

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Open Access Journal of Microbiology | PubMed Indexed Microbiology Journals

Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases is an open access peer reviewed journal having High Impact Factor. PubMed Indexing is available for selected articles.

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Open Access Journal of Cardiology | PubMed Indexed Cardiology Journals

Open Access Journal of Cardiology is an emerging international open access journal that focuses on cardiovascular research. PubMed Indexing is accessible for selected articles.

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International Journal of Palliative Care | Open Access Journal of Palliative Medicine

International Journal of Palliative Care is a peer reviewed Open Access Journal that aims to publish high quality articles in the field of palliative medicine. PubMed Indexing is available for selected Articles.

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Journal of Cancer Science and Research | PubMed Indexed Cancer Journals

Journal of Cancer Science and Research is an International Open Access Journal which aims to publish high quality original research articles in the field of cancer. Selected articles are submitted to PubMed for Indexing.

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International Journal of Biotechnology | Open Access Biotechnology Journals

International Journal of Biotechnology is an Open Access Journal to provide scientific knowledge and technological aspect concerning biotechnology and related fields. And we are providing PubMed Indexing for selected papers.

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International Journal of Pancreatology | Journal of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases

Journal of Gastroenterology, Pancreatology and Liver Disorders is an International Open Access Journal which aims to publish scholarly articles. PubMed Indexing is available for selected Articles.

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International Journal of Immunology | PubMed Indexed Immunology Journals

Open Access Journal of Immunology is a peer-reviewed International online publication which aims to gain High Impact Factor by publishing high quality articles. PubMed Indexing is available for selected articles.

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PubMed Indexed Dental Journals | International Journal of Dentistry

International Journal of Dentistry is an Open Access Journal that encourages research in the field of dental research. And we are providing PubMed Indexing for selected papers.

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International Journal of Ophthalmology | Ophthalmology Journals Indexed in PubMed

International Journal of Ophthalmology is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles related to diseases of the eye. Selected articles are submitted to PubMed for Indexing.

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Open Access Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes

Journal of endocrinology is an open access journal which aims to publish peer reviewed articles in endocrinology and diabetes. Scope of the journal includes endocrine disorders, diabetes.

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PubMed Indexed Neurology Journals | International Journal of Neurology

Journal of Neurology is an international online open access journal which aims to publish high quality articles related to Neurology and its field. And we are providing PubMed Indexing for selected Manuscripts.

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Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research | Veterinary Sciences Impact Factor Journals

Open Access Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research is a platform for the publication of research articles to gain High Impact Factor in the field of Veterinary Sciences. We provide PubMed Indexing service for selected articles.

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Journal of Nutritional Health | Journal of Nutrition | Food Science Journals

Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science is an international peer- reviewed, open access journal which aims to publish high impact factor scholarly articles in the development of nutrition and health, Journal of nutrition science, food science and its application to address the issues of malnutrition & eating disorders.

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